Pain management is a series of approaches taken to alleviate chronic pain. Chronic pain conditions include: back pain, headaches, arthritis, cancer pain, or nerve and muscle pain. A pain management provider will create a plan that may include medications, therapy, injections, and exercise to assist individuals in feeling better and improving their quality of life.
Mental illness and Chronic Pain are often intertwined, and many clients benefit from learning therapeutic interventions to better cope with life’s challenges. Using Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) clients can learn to manage anxious and depressive symptoms that trigger pain. Therapy may not be limited to the individual, but may also include family members. Loved ones can be both a source of support and conflict, however, including them in treatment can help them understand, gain coping skills, and improve communication. With support from our counselors, clients can change unhelpful ways of coping and embrace hope for the future.
Integrated Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (IKAP) is also a treatment option for client’s struggling with chronic pain. IKAP is the combination of psychotherapy and an IV ketamine infusion. This process invites neuroplasticity (the ability to change and grow) within the brain's neural connections. This allows clients the ability to process, embrace change, and focus on hope for the future.